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Privacy and Cookie Policy

Personal data is information that directly or indirectly identifies you as an individual, indirectly meaning when it is combined with other information such as your names, postal address, e-mail address, telephone number, etc.

How do we process your personal data?

We at aIDentix ltd – the administrator of this website does not collect or process personal data more than we need to fulfill the purposes set out in this privacy policy.

We will only use personal information as set out in this policy, unless you have given us your explicit consent to another type of use of your personal information, such as through an explicit written consent to send marketing messages.

What types of personal data do we process?

When you visit our website, we might process the following categories of personal data:
  • IP address
  • Date and time of visit of our webpage
  • Specific webpage which is visited
  • HTTP status
  • Website from which you visit our webpage
  • Type of browser
When you use our contact form, we might additionally collect the following personal information:
  • Names
  • Email address
  • Subject and content of your message to us
The listed categories of personal data are only those that you provide to us when visiting our website and the use of cookies – mandatory and those for which you have given your explicit consent to use. We may be required to process and store personal data on legal grounds and/or to achieve regulatory compliance, such as to prevent, establish or investigate a crime, prevent loss, fraud or other types of financial misuse.

Use of our webpage

This Privacy Policy also applies to your use of our website with the following features related to the protection of personal data. (1) Cookies: Our Website uses cookies and other technologies to improve the user’s work and functioning of the Website, usability and security. Please see our cookie policy for more details. (2) Third Party Websites: For the convenience of our visitors, this website contains links to some other websites(, that are not controlled or managed by us. The policies and procedures we describe here do not apply to these websites. We are not responsible for the security or protection of any data collected by these third parties. We encourage you to contact these websites directly for information on their data protection policies.

In which cases we might share your personal data?

We might disclose your personal data only to public authorities and only when required by law. For example, we will respect the requests of courts, law enforcement, administrative or other public state or municipal authorities.

We do not transfer your personal data or any information that may concern you outside the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.

Processing of special categories of personal data (“sensitive” data):

We do not process special categories of personal data, such as: personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political views, religious or philosophical beliefs or trade union membership, as well as the processing of genetic data, biometric data for the sole purpose of identifying an individual, data on the health condition or data on the sexual life or sexual orientation of the individual.

Security of your personal data

We take the security of your personal data seriously. We apply the appropriate level of protection and to this end we have developed reasonable physical, electronic and technical procedures to protect the data we collect from accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access to transmitted, stored or otherwise processed personal data. Access to your personal data is only granted to employees on a need-to-know basis and to other authorized persons who need it for the performance of their official duties. In the event of data breach, we will follow all applicable notification rules in such cases.

What are your rights?

Storing of your personal data

We process and store your personal data for a certain retention periods, which is determined by:
  • Requirements of the Bulgarian and European legislation
  • Another period with a view to protecting our legitimate rights and interests, but no longer than 5 years

As a data subject, you have specific legal rights related to the personal data we collect from you. We respect your individual rights and will always answer your questions and inquiries regarding the ways in which we process the personal data received from you.

The list that follows contains information about your rights arising from the applicable data protection laws as follows:

  • Access: we may provide you information related to the processing of your personal data and a copy of this personal data.
  • Correction: when you believe that your personal data is inaccurate or incomplete, you may request that this personal data be amended accordingly.
  • Specific webpage which is visited.
  • Deletion: you may request the deletion of your personal data, to the extent permitted by law, unless the company proves that there are legal grounds for the processing that take precedence over the interests of the data subjects or for the establishment, exercise and protection the legal rights and interests of the company.
  • Website from which you visit our webpage.
  • Restriction: you may request restriction on the processing of your personal data to the extent permitted by law.
  • Objection: you may object to the processing of your personal data on grounds related to your specific situation. You have the absolute right to object to the processing of your personal data for the purposes of direct marketing, which includes profiling related to such direct marketing.
  • Withdrawal of consent: when you have given your consent to the processing of your personal data, you have the right, at any time, to withdraw it.
  • Data portability: where legally applicable, you have the right to have your the personal data provided to us returned to you or, where technically possible, to be provided to a third party.


Additional information needed to exercise your rights:

  • Deadline: We will try to fulfill requests for your exercising of rights or information requests within 30 (thirty) days, and this deadline may be extended due to specific reasons related to the specific legal right, or due to the complexity of your request, of which we will notify you before the expiration of this period.
  • Identification difficulties: In some cases we may not be able to verify your personal data based on the identifiers provided in your request. In such cases, when we cannot identify you as a data subject, we do not have the objective opportunity to comply with your request to exercise your legal rights as set out in this section, unless you provide us with additional information that would allow us to identify you.
  • Exercising your legal rights: To exercise your legal rights, please contact us at the addresses listed at the end of this policy.

Amendments in this Privacy Policy

Contact details

aIDentix” LTD, UIC: 204428477, having its corporate address at: Sofia, Student city distr., № 5А “Baku” str., fl. 6, office 6-5., e-mail:

Cookie Policy

What are Cookies?

Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored by your web browser on your computer’s hard drive. They are often used as a mechanism by websites to remember information about the web browser and the history of the user’s activity, such as the clicking of various buttons, information about the visit in the website and its use.

How does the website use Cookies and what types of Cookies can you find on it?

The website uses cookies to provide the best possible user experience while using the website and its functionalities. We also use our cookies to develop the website to meet the requirements of our users and their interests, taking into account the user visiting our page, which pages, directories and ads has the user seen, how often does the user visit specific pages and which pages on the site are most popular among visitors. We may use cookies to show the most relevant services to our users.

Our website uses the following types of cookies, some of which require your explicit consent, as set out below:

  • Strictly Necessary Cookies: These are cookies that are necessary for the successful operation and functionality of the website. This includes, for example, cookies, which allow users to enter their data in relation to the full use of the platform. Retention period for such cookies is set to 1 month/limited to the term of the session.
  • Functional (Session) Cookies: These cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. They save the status of the user session when accessing the relevant page. Retention period for such cookies is limited to the term of the session.
  • Performance Cookies: Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Retention period for such cookies is limited to the term of the session.
  • Analytical / Statistic Cookies: These cookies allow us to recognize and analyze the number of users in an anonymised form and to see how users move in it and how they use it. This helps us improve the way our websites works and determine the services which are relevant to our customers. Retention period for such cookies is set to 1 minute/1 day/ 2 years.
  • Advertisement Cookies: These cookies record the visits of users and the links they have gone through. They are used to deliver advertising messages that are relevant to the interests of different users and can also limit the number of presented advertisements. Retention period for such cookies is limited to the term of the session.
  • Other Cookies: Other uncategorized cookies are those that are not classified into the other types of categories yet. We may also use certain third-party cookies as part of our services. These cookies are managed by the respective third party websites and are not controlled by us. Some of them can be turned off using the general settings of your browser.

Changes to our Cookie Policy:

Any future changes to our Cookie Policy will be posted on this page. All changes take effect immediately.

Can users of the website block Cookies?

You can change your browser’s privacy settings to block all cookies. However, this may seriously affect the functionality of the website and its use, as it may not function properly. Your browser may also allow you to delete all cookies when you close it. However, this option also deletes cookies, which can store your preferences and custom settings. It is possible to keep the cookies you want, as your browser may allow you to specify which websites you always allow or for which websites you do not allow the use of cookies